Avonside Early Childhood Centre

Concerns & Complaints

Avonside Early Childhood Centre encourages parents to discuss issues or problems that may arise directly with staff or management and we undertake to find solutions as soon as possible. We view constructive criticism positively and it is very important that the users of our centre are happy with the service provided.

Avonside Early Childhood Centre encourages communication that works both ways to encourage open discussion that may bring positive change. Parents will be encouraged to discuss issues or problems that may arise directly with staff or management and the Centre will undertake to find solutions as soon as possible. An attempt will be made to resolve all issues in a supportive, nurturing manner. All issues raised will be taken seriously and acted on at the earliest possible opportunity.

The Board, staff and management at the centre are resolved to communicate openly and honestly with our community, we trust that you, the members of our community, feel safe enough to reciprocate in the same manner.

This process can be used to resolve concerns or complaints between any parties at the centre.

1.       All concerns and complaints will be handled in a confidential and sensitive manner

2.       If possible, raise the complaint with the person concerned

3.       There is a comments box at the centre which can be used if your concern is not urgent. A board or staff member will contact you as soon as possible. Alternately you can choose to email the centre or speak with a staff member at a time that is mutually convenient

4.       If preferred, your complaint can be put in writing and forwarded to the Centre Manager or the Secretary of the Board (see complaints form)

5.       Both parties can request a support person at any time

6.       Complaint resolution relies on honest communication, if either party is unhappy it is imperative that they communicate this for the resolution process to move forward

7.       If either party is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint there are several avenues that are available including the Human Rights Commission, the Education Review Office, the Privacy Commission, the Health and Disabilities Commission etc. Information on how to contact these services is available with the parent information at the centre

8.       At any time, the Ministry of Education can be contacted to make a complaint regarding non-compliance in Regulations or criteria.

Ministry of Education Christchurch office

Te Urutī
48 Hereford Street
West End
Christchurch 8013

PO Box 2522, Addington
Christchurch 8140

DX Number: WX10005

Phone: +64 3 378 7300

Fax: +64 3 378 7308