Your child must be signed in and out on the ipad provided and loaded with the discover system.
If you are not the person dropping your child off or collecting them, could you please remind the carer that they will need to do this. You will receive a four digit number that is specific to you.
When collecting your child, please come five minutes before the session time ends, when the children are getting ready to leave. It is essential that you notify staff if you will not be picking your child up.
We appreciate you observing the session times, as staff need time for preparation and it is essential that we are never overbooked for safety purposes and Ministry of Education regulations. Our capacity is 35 children per day.
If you arrive late to drop your child off, we loose the funding per 30 minutes that you are late, and if you collect early, the same rule applies. If you book a full day, we do ask that you drop off your child before 9am and collect later than 3pm, so that we don’t lose too many funded hours. If you feel you would like a shorter day from 9-3, then please talk to the centre manager.
- 03 389 8473
- Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 3:30